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How can you benefit from Weatherizing your home?

Weatherization Assistance Program

Weatherizing Benefits

Weatherization Measures and Their Benefits

Attic Insulation  Cellulose insulation is installed in the attic. Insulation has been treated to be fire retardant as well as vermin resistant and is not harmful to your health. It helps to keep heat inside in the winter and outside in the summer. Periodic inspections for leaks in your roof should be made to ensure that the insulation does not become water damaged.

Low Flow Shower Device When installed, this showerhead gives you a good hot shower while using only half the water and energy needed to heat the water.

Duct Sealing  Replace or repair floor collars and registers. Seal ducts to floor with tape and mastic. Repair holes in the trunk line.

Air Sealing Spray foam and caulking of pipe and wire chassis in attic and basement as well as the caulking of windows and trim. Spray foam and insulation of end bays in the basement.

Caulking a pliable material is installed around windows, door frames, and small cracks to help keep out dirt, air, and moisture. Caulking helps reduce the amount of energy lost in areas of infiltration.

Door Weather Stripping  A vinyl or metal gasket strip is installed to give the door a snug fit. It stops air leaks and keeps unwanted dirt, noise, and moisture out thus reducing energy use. The weatherstripping may require adjustments depending on changes in the weather. Metal/gasket strips can be adjusted by loosening the screw on the weather stripping, adjusting the weather stripping, and tightening the screws.

Water Heater and Heat Pipe Wrap Pipe insulation are installed around exposed hot water heater and heating pipes in order to reduce the amount of heat loss. Periodic inspections to ensure the pipe wrap is securely in place are recommended. Re-tape as necessary.

Clean and Tune Heating System  Clean heating system, replace filters, and tune system to improve efficiency and reduce Carbon Oxide in system.

Minor Home Repairs  Various home repairs are performed, when feasible. Only home repairs necessary to help stop air infiltration and help the other energy efficient measures to do their job are installed. Home repairs may include replacement of door (s), broken glass, patching of holes, door stops, frames, etc.

Set Back Thermostat  A setback thermostat is installed to help you control the efficiency of your furnace. The thermostat automatically maintains a selected room temperature by sensing temperature at the thermostat and starting and starting the furnace or air conditioner. It is recommended that during the winter you lower your thermostat to 55 at night and 68 or lower during the day. In the summer, set your air conditioner control at 78 or higher. Seniors or people with medical or circulatory problems may require high indoor temperatures at all times.

Air Conditioning Covers  Cloth covers installed on window (s) and wall Air Conditioning units to reduce heat loss through units during the winter months.

Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL’s)  Install compact fluorescent bulbs to help reduce electrical use.

Refrigerator Replacement  Test refrigerator for possible replacement to reduce electrical use.

Health and Safety Measures  Install Smoke and Carbon Oxide detectors, replace detectors if more than 5 years old. Inspect any gas lines for leakage.